Captain Praveen Kumar, along with his team, creates a new world record for the “LONGEST RELAY TORCH MARATHON” in 23 days. The event was organized by IDPTS Research Wings Private Limited, a research organization committed to promoting innovation and creativity. Dr. Sanjeev Kapoor, Chairman of Sportsgrail Pvt. Ltd., a leading sports media organization, was the official media partner for the event.
The relay torch marathon commenced on March 11, 2023, from Gangotri, Uttarakhand, and concluded at Patna, Bihar, on April 2, 2023, covering an approximate distance of 1600 kilometers. The event was organized to celebrate Gangotsav 2023 and to promote the cultural heritage of India.
Captain Praveen Kumar and his team set out on this incredible journey with the torch, passing it from one runner to another. They traversed through challenging terrain, braving different weather conditions and geographical barriers to complete the marathon.
Their attempt was monitored and verified by officials from the IEA Book of World Records, an international organization that recognizes outstanding achievements by individuals and groups worldwide.
The success of the event was a testament to the resilience and perseverance of the team, who overcame obstacles and challenges to achieve their goal. The IDPTS Research Wings Private Limited and Sportsgrail congratulated the team on their remarkable achievement and for creating a new world record.
The event captured the imagination of people worldwide and served as a testament to the enduring human spirit that perseveres and triumphs over all odds. It was an excellent example of the power of teamwork, collaboration, and determination in achieving remarkable feats and making a positive difference in the world.